Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

BPPV occurs when particles (commonly called crystals) are dislodged from their usual position in the balance portion of the inner ear. Although many people with BPPV feel fine most of the time, when they are in a certain position, they will have a sudden sense of imbalance.

BPPV can, and does, occur for no apparent reason. In a small group of people, it occurs after a head injury. BPPV is likely to occur when a person is:

  • Laying back
  • Tilting the head backward, or
  • Rolling over in bed

The condition can last for days, months, or occasionally, forever. For some people, the dizziness can come back even after it has been resolved completely.

Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

At Lifestyle Hearing, Dr. Rosner will most often make the diagnosis of BPPV based on your symptoms, a physical examination, and the results of your hearing and balance tests. Occasionally, other tests may be required.

In general, medications are rarely effective in the treatment of BPPV. If you are diagnosed with BPPV, our office offers several valuable treatment options, including a particle repositioning maneuver that Dr. Rosner performs.

Additionally, the symptoms of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo may be further managed by:

  • Sleeping upright as much as possible for 2 days to allow the particles to “settle” (Use of a recliner or pillows is beneficial in accomplishing this.)
  • Avoiding the movements that have caused dizziness, such as bending over, moving your head quickly, or laying on the bad ear
  • Wearing a soft cervical collar, and/or
  • Performing daily exercises