Large Hearing Health Non-Profits in the USA

Hearing Loss BlogIt really is overwhelming to choose among the throngs of charities in existence today. Just a few of the factors to consider are the cause itself, the trustworthiness of the organization, and how the resources are used. You can become a part of one of many national and international charity organizations that lend their time and resources to helping those in need of better hearing health.

    • Hearing Health Foundation – Since the 1950s, Hearing Health Foundation has been committed to serving people with hearing loss. This organization fosters research to treat and cure hearing loss and promotes the prevention of hearing conditions through public education. One of the current endeavors of the foundation is providing research meant to cure tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears). The Hearing Health Foundation makes it easy for supporters to get involved. Money is always the easiest donation for a charity to accept. This can be in the form of a one-time donation, monthly donations or gift of stock. If you prefer to be involved in a more hands-on way, you can share with them your personal experience with hearing loss or tinnitus, participate in fundraisers, or offer to name one of their research grants. Learn more or join today on their official website at
    • Starkey Hearing Foundation – As a huge national and global foundation, Starkey Hearing Foundation provides hearing health services in three ways: Hear Now, Listen Carefully, and Hearing Aid Recycling. Their Hearing Aid Recycling program offers a place for you to donate your old hearing aids as gifts to those who can’t otherwise afford them. The Hear Now program focuses on providing hearing aids to those who cannot afford them on their own. The Listen Carefully Program is provides education to youth in schools about the dangers of loud music and headphone use. For the most up-to-date information of the Starkey Hearing Foundation’s activities and current needs visit their website at
  • Hearing Loss Association of America – The largest organization dedicated to helping people with hearing loss is the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). Its mission is to provide resources and support to individuals with hearing loss and their families while educating the public about hearing impairments. HLAA also strives to help the public through legislation and awareness. You can begin by signing up for their newsletter, becoming a member of the organization, or registering for one of their bi-annual fundraiser walks called Walk4Hearing. Donations are also accepted online at
The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.