How do I Know if my Hearing Aid Needs Professional Repair?

Woman getting her hearing aid repaired while she waits.

If you have hearing aids but you’re still having trouble hearing, your hearing aids may need professional repair.

You take care of your hearing aids. You’re really cautious with your hearing aids. Cleaning them every day, you make sure they are snug on their charger when you go to sleep.

But you can’t figure out why your hearing aids aren’t functioning effectively and it’s really annoying. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. Just remember: preventing damage is your number one task (or you might need to get new ones).

Your Hearing Aid Might Need Troubleshooting

Every design of hearing aid is different so make use of your owner manual for troubleshooting and maintenance. Here are some things you can check on most models:

  • Check for noticeable damage: Cracks or loose components may develop around the shell of your hearing aids so don’t forget to inspect for that. Cracks, obviously, could reveal more substantial damage (or allow).
  • Keep your microphone clear:Sometimes, the microphone can be obstructed. An obstructed microphone can create feedback or can make your hearing aid sound broken or silent.
  • Examine your battery: Always double check your battery level even if you’re certain your hearing aid charged all night. Even rechargeable batteries have to be replaced sooner or later and sometimes you may not have them inserted fully.
  • Wax accumulation: Do a visual inspection of your hearing aid to ensure that there is no wax accumulation preventing ordinary functionality. Even if you do regular cleaning, occasionally wax can build up quickly, so it’s worth ticking this off your list.

Each of these concerns will have a unique strategy so check your owner’s manual. In certain cases, you might be able to perform maintenance yourself. (Your owner’s manual is the best place to begin.)

Does my Hearing Aid require Repair – How do I Know?

Your hearing aid will most likely need professional repair if you keep having problems with it after doing these basic maintenance duties. That may not always sound appealing, let’s be honest, you depend on your hearing aid for everyday communication (not to mention dinners with your family, keeping up to date with your favorite Netflix shows, etc).

But it’s important to recognize that repair doesn’t always mean sending your hearing aid away. In some cases, we can fix it while you wait.

That means, in some cases, you’ll be capable of bringing your hearing aids in for professional maintenance and have them back within a few minutes or hours (this is the reason why it’s a smart idea to bring your hearing aid in so we can ascertain the damage).

There are still some circumstances where such rapid repair isn’t possible. And in those cases, you might find yourself needing a backup pair of hearing aids. So if you have an old pair collecting dust, ask us whether they will serve temporarily. There may even be a loaner set at our office that we can loan you until yours come back.

Don’t Wait to Get Help With Your Hearing Aids

If the hearing aids are starting to fade, the audio quality is beginning to falter, it’s essential to have it repaired.

If you do this you will be more likely to eliminate any downtime. Your overall health and your mental health are affected by neglected hearing loss. More to the point, once your hearing aids are ignored in a box somewhere, it’s all too easy to pretend they don’t exist, all the while, your hearing grows worse and worse.

Your best chance of getting the maximum help from your hearing aids is to keep them functioning at their highest quality. Keeping them clean and charged and if necessary, bringing them in for service is the best way to do that.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.