Online Hearing Test

Think you may have hearing loss? Lifestyle Hearing is here to help. Start your journey toward better hearing by taking our quick and easy free online hearing test.

Hearing Loss Testing

An online hearing test measures how well you can hear different sounds and is used to determine if you may have hearing loss in as little as five minutes. After reviewing your demographic information, the online hearing test asks you questions about how you perceive your hearing in different environments and conditions.

Next is the hearing check portion of the exam. Headphones are required and we recommend completing the test in a quiet location. A variety of tones are played through the headphones while you answer queries about each sound. The test is then repeated in your other ear.

The results of your free hearing test are separated out by ear and indicate where your hearing ability falls on a spectrum from significant loss to good hearing. This information can be used by your audiologist to order a comprehensive hearing evaluation. Once your exact type, degree and configuration of hearing loss has been determined, a treatment plan can be customized to fit your unique needs.

Benefits of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are the most widely prescribed treatment plan for hearing loss, and for good reason. Compared to individuals who choose to live with untreated hearing loss, those who treat their loss with hearing aids report improved:

  • Overall health
  • Professional success
  • Emotional well-being
  • Self-confidence

What do I do with my online hearing test results?

The results should be used to prompt you to visit an audiology office, where a complete diagnostic hearing evaluation will be performed. Your audiologist then uses the results to
create an individualized hearing treatment plan.

Ready to take the next step? We are ready to help you. Request a comprehensive hearing evaluation today or give us a call at 248-918-2490.

*With any self-administered hearing test, inconsistencies in response will affect test reliability. Always consult a licensed audiologist to receive a complete diagnostic hearing assessment.

Take Our Online Hearing Screening

While there is no replacement for a consultation with a hearing-care expert, our quick hearing screening can offer useful feedback about your hearing.